Wednesday 19 November 2008

Holy sh**!!!

I've waited 6 years for this, and boy did they deliver (well, for the trailer anyways).

So, the Star Trek that I knew and loved is dead and we now have this new imagining of it from fresh minds, and I have to say......... THIS LOOKS FANTASTIC!!

I'll definitely be going to the premiere in May....if I can wait that long..grrrrrr!

Check out how amazing this trailer is, even if you're not a fan!!

The only thing I have to complain about is the ship. Take a look.

This is how it should look (from the 60's)

And this is what they've done with it.....

Ok, it's the GEEK in me that's complaining. I guess something that designed for 1960's TV would look rubbish in cinemas in 2009, but they've changed a classic..:-(

Apart from that, bring it on!!!

Thursday 13 November 2008


2008'S CMA's were a buzz last night as the surprise special guest took to the stage to present an award for Entertainer of the year.

Shania Twain, who hasn't been seen publically since her split with music producer Mutt Lange (who cheated on her with her best friend, the RAT!), was welcomed to the stage with a standing ovation.

She seemed to be holding back the tears when she said...

'Thank you so much. Trust me, it's good to see all of you too, and I'll hopefully be seeing a lot more of you'

Apparently, since the split, she's thrown herself into new music and hasn't been able to put her guitar down. The songs are 'Pouring out of her'.

This, plus the news that she's hard at work recording with a new producer in the studio means that finally, SHE'S BACK, and as you can imagine, I'm jumping up and down with excitement!!


Donna (Nightmaremom)

As you all probably know, Donna (nightmaremom) suffered a heart attack recently. I didn't find out till a week later, but I just wanna send my love and well wishes for her and family.

We're all rootin' for ya babes. Hope you're back on your feet soon. We need that msn chat!!

Much love babes

Sunday 2 November 2008

Hostage, Halloween, drumming and Cher..oh my!

Hey everyone. How are you all enjoying your new home here on blogger?
It was a shame to say goodbye to aol journals on Friday, especially knowing some people didn't get their journals transferred (sorry D)


Well, I need to update more often in little parts 'cos there's so much been goin on lately. I sometimes just puke my thoughts out on here all in one go, which is what I'm going to do now I'm!

Firstly, I can't go into too much detail with this, but I was kinda held hostage at work by a youth worker who's flipped out 2 weeks ago. She was having a psychotic episode as me and a colleague got stuck with her. She screamed in our faces, grabbed my colleague by her throat, pinched her arm so much, it bled, obsessed over my name. She couldn't stop saying 'Steven Moore'. It was very creepy and VERY scary. She also got very paranoid that I was after her banking details. She grabbed my work and wrote sexual stuff on it. We got away as quickly as we could (after 20 mins of being stuck with her), but unknown to us at the time, after we'd gone home, she attacked someone so severely that she's now locked up. I did go back down the day after to report the incident before anyone, or even herself got hurt, but it was too late.

I dunno if she's in jail or an asylum, but when I gave my statement to my boss's and the police, I was told that she's suspended from work and is 'Being looked after and getting the help that she needs'. I can't get her eyes out of my head. That piercing stare she was giving me. She's such a beautiful Italian lady. Apparently, she has worked for the company for years and is a lovely, hard working person. I can't help but wonder what happened to her that day to make her crack the way she did, but take my word for it, it was very scary!

Anyways, on to other stuff. I took part in an 'African Drummers' session last Wednesday in the centre as part of 'Black History Month'. They were there to teach the kids how to drum, but I ended up sitting in and enjoying it too. By the end, I was drumming and singing the song 'I can see clearly now'..haha! It was awesome!! I enjoyed talking to the guy about our different cultures, traditions and beliefs. It was very eye opening.

I'm actually quite sad today as I think about a whole bunch of friends that I've fell out with. It's a long story, but basically, it started with 4 of them having a fall out. I told all of them to keep me out of it 'cos it had nothing to do with me, but I eventually had to get involved after a few of them were publicly bitching and name calling my other friend. I hate taking sides, but I don't like bullies and never will. This had lead to even more arguments and more people getting involved, and it's just too much. I've never actually had stuff like this before. Horrible aint it??

I hope you all had a great Halloween. I certainly did. Now we gotta get 'bonfire night' out of the way on the 5th November, and then it's the build up to Christmas. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Anyways, I'll leave you with a funny. These two are my FAVOURITE comediens EVER and I'm gonna miss them so much when they retire. This is the best impression of Cher that I've ever seen. It had me crying with! Hope you like it. Till next time, bon!

Thursday 30 October 2008

My Fave Star Trek Moments - No 5

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

'Stealing the Enterprise'

I was too young to see this the first time around, but it's now one of my fave scenes!
Captain Kirk is always at his best when he's pissing someone off or going against orders, and in this scene, he's doing just that!
Desperate to save the life of his friend, Captain Kirk asks permission to take the Enterprise on a rescue mission. When the answer 'No' is given, he decides to take it anyway.

My fave line in this scene?

McCoy - 'Are you just gonna WALK through?!'
Kirk - 'Calm yourself Doctor'

Tuesday 21 October 2008

My Fave Star Trek Moments - No. 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
'What you leave behind'

Deep Space Nine is probably one of my more favourite Star trek shows. The story, writing and acting was incredible. I think that's why I'm struggling finding my favourite clips from the show, 'cos it was always so consistently great!
After watching the show religiously for 7 years, this final episode flashback scene made me cry..LITERALLY! No other Star Trek show has said goodbye like this, but I think it's exactly the way it should have been done.

Not only do the flashback scenes make me realise how good DS9 was, it also brings back memories of myself when I was younger and watching these episodes for the first time. Add to that the wonderful tune of 'The way you look tonight' and I'm gone!

I'm already a big softie, so to pull my heart strings like this was just a crime.

Oh it's all too much....I need Kleenex......

Monday 20 October 2008

My Fave Star Trek Moments - No 7

Star Trek 7: Generations

'All hands, brace for impact'

Those pesky Klingons are at it again. Following a battle in orbit of a planet, the Enterprise is left hurtling toward the planets surface with the crew stuck on board with no seat belts... I remember seeing this in the cinema when I was a kid. My heart was racing through the whole thing!
In the words of the pilot (Data).....'Ohhhhhh SHIT!'

Sunday 19 October 2008

Something kinda ooooh!!

This was a request from Anthony.
I laughed all the way through it, but I'm quite happy with how it turned out actually. Makes a nice change to the usual load of old!

and here's the orginal version just incase you wanna see it .........

Hope ya like! xxx

Friday 17 October 2008

My Fave Star Trek Moments - No. 8

'Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country'

The 6th and final installment of the original series movies.

This final scene was the last ever featuring all of the original crew.
The music, the script, the signatures.....PURE GENIUS...perfect send off, AND ALWAYS BRINGS A TEAR TO MY EYE!

"Second star to the right, and straight on till morning"........

My Fave Star Trek Moments - No. 9

Number 9 - 'Star Trek: Voyager'


Taken from the 100'th episode of 'Voyager', this clip shows the whole crew killed after a disastrous crash!

My Fave Star Trek Moments - No.10

First of all, I KNOW I'm a geek, but with the latest buzz about Star trek again, it's got me thinking of my fave moments from the various Star Trek episodes.
Here's my top ten countdown.

10. - 'Star Trek: Enterprise'

First Xindi attack on Earth

Thus begins a whole year of searching for the evil 'Xindi' species in the dangerous region of space known as the 'Expanse'.

After a shaky start which wasn't received well by viewers, 'Star trek: Enterprise' ended season 2 with a bang, making way for a season 3 full of action and drama with the crew of the Enterprise hell bent on revenge and racing against time to save earth from the myserious Xindi's biggest and final attack.

My boys.........

Sorry D, I know I've stole your line, but I too also have a set of my own!

My boys, 'The All-American Rejects' have a new album out in December, and this is their new single. It's my favourite song of theirs yet....they just get better and better! There's no video yet, but you can hear the song. I can't stop rockin' to it!! It's already securely on my ipod...with a play count of 70 odd! The lyrics are very fitting for me at the moment too (they must be psychic).

Also, some of you already know her, but my Mother has a new blog here, so please go visit her. ~The perils of patricia~

She'd really appreciate it....thanks guys.

I think it was Indigo's journal I was reading the other day. She pointed out that even though we've all been given the boot by trusty 'AOL', the spirit of it has very much followed on here at blogger, and I'm really happy about that.
We're a team!! *Raises glass*...CHEERS! xxxx

(This is a pic I took over a year ago, before the 6am start at Tescos. I was hanging out of the bathroom window 'cos the sun rise was beautiful!)

Thursday 16 October 2008

A funny thing........

Hey readers, how's it goin'?

Today was the first day of 'college' for me. I'm taking a NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) in youth work and community. I had to sit an English and math assessment, as that's an add on course which I chose. Apparently I have nothing to worry about, although I'm SURE my math results will be AWFUL!

For a while now, I've been questioning WHY I'm a youth worker. Maybe it's all the recent events with the stabbing and whatnot, but I began losing my drive for the job.

Anyways, today was no different. I sat in this room with three tutors and all the other youth workers who were taking the same course, but all the while I'm asking myself if being here is really worth it. It was interesting. I met some great people, so I'm glad I went.

I can't believe this next part. It's like some cheesy scene from a movie or something.

After the session ended, I walked through town to my bus stop. It was pretty quiet, but there was this really shifty lookin' guy at the bus stop too, and he kept staring at me like, every 20 seconds. His hood was up, he had a scarf round most his face. He looked like such a chav! I really felt creeped out, so I went and sat on the bench. Sure enough, he comes and sits next to me and asks me for the time. 'Ten to ten', I told him. He then asked if I'd got 30 pence for the bus to Pittsmore (which is an area that's not too far from the bus stop), so I gave him a pound instead. He seemed grateful, said thank you and went quiet, but he kept looking at me again!

I got this feeling that he wanted to talk, so I asked him 'So have you had a good night?'. He shook his head, looked down and said 'I've been a naughty guy tonight'. He went on to tell me that he was 17, no job and had been involved in some kind of drugs raid just minutes before. I knew straight away that 'youth worker Ste' was gonna get involved here, so in front of other people, I gave him the whole youth worker lecture and asked him about his life.

He said 'Grand theft auto, the computer game - that's my life, but in real life and that's what I'm used to'. He explained that he's involved in gang wars. 'You people don't see the wars that are going on around us'. Little does he know, but I do know about these 'Post code' (Zip code) wars.

I KNEW that there was a good kid in there somewhere, so I carried on chatting to him, trying to make him laugh. Sure enough, it worked!

His hood came down, the scarf came away from his face. The transformation was unbelievable! Such a good looking and SOCIABLE character. Turns out he's really into street art and writing. How could a kid like this be involved in drugs raids at 17 years old, especially being as bright as he is?! I told him about the work we do. We actually hire professional spray painters in to do street art projects with groups. Like some stores want their shutters spraying with a theme....we do work like this.
I also told him about all we can offer, and I tell ya, he totally lit up. I passed him my number, and although he has no phone, he's gonna borrow some one's and we'll arrange for him to come visit us at the centre.

Both our buses turned up simultaneously. He shook my hand and thanked me. Actually though, I should be thanking him, 'cos he seemed to be a big reminder of why I work with young people, right when I needed it the most, and so I told him so.

I soooooo hope he gets in touch with us, 'cos his life could easily go the wrong way, and I don't wanna be hearing about another stabbing or shooting again.

I just can't believe that I bumped into this young lad with the problems he had, and I managed to help him, or at least do my part to get him on the right track. What a sign....and not even a subtle one. It's right smack dab in my face!! WEIRD!!

First glimpse..........

After 2 years of waiting, I've finally seen official pics of the new Star Trek movie, to be released in 2009 (should've been this December, but they changed it to May '09, just to piss me off I think!).

Call me a geek, but I'm wetting my pants at these! Woo!!

Gotta wait till May 2009 now..grrrrrrrr!
How hot is the new Captain Kirk!??! lol!

Sunday 12 October 2008

Catch up...........

Hey bloggers!!

Ya know what, I'm actually liking this place. In my opinion, there seems a lot more to do than we could on aol journals. I LOVE that it auto saves drafts while you're typing. The times I'd sat on aol for hours typing something, just to have some thing go ape shit on me and delete my whole entry..grr! I'm sure we've all been there!

I'm kinda glad aol's had this nervous!
Anyways, just thought I'd write a little update on my life, which strangely enough, I never seem to do in a blog that's supposed to be about my life.

Well, I now realise that I'm 25. It really wasn't that big of a deal to me at first. 25 isn't old.....not to me anyways. It wasn't until a young guy said to me the other day............

'You look great for your age'.........Sorry but................WTF does that mean?!


I'm like 4 years older than this douche and he's already got me in the old biddies home!! I tells ya, I'm not a violent person, but I could easily have been at that!

On to other stuff, and I apologise but this is heavy.

I returned to work on Friday after a 2 week leave of absence. Dunno what happened but a LOT of stuff seemed to heap on top of me really quickly over the last few months that lead to me getting ill from being run down. I wouldn't say depressed but I was crying a lot It was very strange actually, 'cos I'd been keeping on top of things for the past year or so.

I guess it started with the break up of my relationship, which was my choice but still affected me harder than I thought. After all, 7 years is a long time.

Then this happened..........

This incident happened right here where I am. A house party got out of control and resulted in a teenager being beaten and stabbed to death, over something so meaningless as an X box game. This happened during our half term break, so none of us (Youth workers) knew which youths were involved with it, but we knew we'd know them because we work with every young person in the area. That wait was AWFUL!

As it turns out, I didn't personally know the youth that was murdered, and I'll admit to taking a tiny bit of comfort from that, but shockingly, I knew one of the youths that had killed him. I've worked very closely with him for a year now.

For some reason, when the other workers found out, they somehow concluded that the best course of action was to not inform me that this particular youth was involved and let me find out for myself from other young people in the youth club, which REALLY pissed me off.

In my opinion, I should've had some warning of what to expect. As youth workers, we should all have the same basic knowledge of events concerning youths in our club and the surrounding areas. Otherwise, how can we be there for them adequately and do our jobs?

Instead, I was left to find out while I was actually surrounded by the young people at work, who were all very upset, angry, confused and shocked. It was obvious that I was shocked as they spoke about it, and I feel that I let them down because I didn't have the info beforehand.

Does that make sense? I should've been able to offer them support when they clearly needed it, but my own feelings got in the way because it was such a shock. The young lad involved is someone who I've always got along with. He's asked me for advice on things countless times, and we used to just chat about relative issues. Out of everyone, he would've been the last person I'd suspect of murdering someone. He's now been sentenced to jail. WHAT AN IDIOT!!

What makes me more angry is, to stab someone, it happens in a flash. I'm not excusing it at all, but one moment of blind rage, and it's done. But to BEAT someone while they're already down with a knife wound - you have to think about that act. You KNOW what you're doing, yet you carry on. He was one of many that helped beat him and no matter how hard I try, I cannot figure out what the hell this 'Lovely young lad' was thinking!

One person is dead, yet many have thrown their lives away, all over a damn X box game!

I'm gonna stop there because I'll just be shoving opinions down people's throats, and I don't want to do that. It's just been nice to vent, even though I swore not to write about this in here. Mind you, everything is public now and I haven't mentioned names apart from Dale, which everyone knows anyways.

I just wanna offer my condolences to Dale Robertson and all those affected. Such a waste.God speed fella. xxx

Well, I hope you're all doin well. I'm gonna get to going round everyone's journals more regularly, so see ya soon.

Catch up again soon!

Saturday 11 October 2008

How do you get that lonely?

Recorded this earlier today. Love the meaning behind the song so HAD to record it.

Hope ya like it.

Hope ya all ok

How do you get that lonely?

It was just another story printed on the second page
Underneath the Tiger's football score
It said he was only eighteen, a boy about my age
They found him face down on his bedroom floor

There'll be services on Friday at the Lawrence Funeral Home
Then out on Mooresville highway, they'll lay him 'neath a stone...

How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know

Did his girlfriend break up with him, did he buy or steal that gun?
Did he lose a fight with drugs or alcohol?
Did his Mom and Daddy forget to say I love you son?
Did no one see the writing on the wall?

I'm not blamin' anybody, we all do the best we can I know hindsight's 20/20, but I still don't understand...

How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call
that havin' no life at all Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know

It was just another story printed on the second page
Underneath the Tiger's football score...

Thursday 9 October 2008

'Wanna make you cry'

Well, I can't start a new blog without adding a new song can I? lol!
You'll have to jump to the bottom of the page and turn my jukebox off before you listen to this, otherwise you'll have music comin outta ya ears..haha!

Plus, you can't have a diner without some entertainment.

This is a song originally by the AWESOME Jeff Bates......Hope you like it.

New home.........

Ooh I must say, this new place is quite comfy...

*plumps up cushions......looks around*

WOW, it even autosaves drafts so we never have to suffer lost entries again...OH I'M IN LOVE!!

I'll miss AOL, but I could get used to this place!!

If you're reading this, thank you. I've managed to transfer my blog here (phew..I really thought my old journal was a goner!), so PLEASE give me links to your blogs so I can keep up with you all. I freaked out on aol journals and somehow lost touch with everyone......NEVER AGAIN!!

I'm turning over a new page thingy.....and I'm gonna keep in the know with all of you...cos I BLOODY MISS YA'S ALL!!

Well, the kettles on, the cushions are plumped, Corrie's not on for let's get crackin' on this blogger thingy!

Thanks to the lovely Donna (nightmaremom) for my sig image.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Wednesday 3 September 2008

In a World............


I was very saddened today to learn of the death of Don Lafontaine, who's voice is famous worldwide. He provided the narration for over 5,000 movie trailers and just as many tv commercials. He's one of those guys that you don't really think about. You just KNOW he's gonna be there whenever you go to the cinema or put on a DVD.


In 'the voice', ' man must fight for justice!'


I've heard soo many people mimic that 'movie guy voice', and I've even done it myself. I guess that kinda makes him more famous than a lot of movie stars.

R.I.P'll be truely missed!!




Monday 1 September 2008


Well, this is gonna be one hell of an entry! lol!

I haven't updated in a while. Truth is, I didn't know where to start!

I'll wrap it in a nutshell. I ended my relationship as I felt we've just grown so far apart. We literally aren't the same people to each other anymore, but we're still friends so it's ok.

Secondly, I went to Manchester last week to stay with some friends. We went out and I met 'Lonnie Gordon' briefly. Her record producer is also a friend of mine, but I'd never really thought about letting him hear one of my songs. Well, one of my friends randomly played him one of my songs, and I can't believe his reaction. He loved it. As soon as it ended, he asked me 'Stevie, how do you fancy a trip to London to record for real?'. I almost fell off my chair with excitement!

I think I have to be in London this weekend to stay with him and Lonnie, but I'm still waiting for confirmation. He's recently brought Lonnie out of retirement and she's been touring the UK. Ironic thing is, I was in Blackpool on holiday a few weeks ago, and Lonnie and Deano were in the club next door to the one I was in, and I never even knew it!

Also (and this excites me even more), the guy who produced '9 to 5' for Dolly Parton is writing me a song that suits my voice! HOW INSANE IS THAT?! I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it's!

I'll be honest, I had no idea who Lonnie Gordon was when I met her, so I checked her out online, and I actually like some of her stuff. This video is probably my fave!

The audio's a bit quiet on this, but it's the best one I could get. Wish me luck guys.... Hope all's well out there. Missed you all lately..:-(


Thursday 28 August 2008

Happy Birthday Shania!!


Happy 43rd birthday to my favourite singer/song writer ever!!


This was her very first ever single. Check out that hair..WOW!










Sunday 24 August 2008



Saturday 23 August 2008

Goodbye to an old 'friend'



Well, the bastards over at 'Eon' have won and the cooling towers (a MAJOR Sheffield and Yorkshire landmark) are to be demolished at 3am tomorrow morning.

I can't even write this entry as I guarantee it wont be very pleasant to read.














Tuesday 5 August 2008

Walking on the Milky Way, I say what a day!!

Hey guys.....
This is somewhat of an emotional, self discovery, self healing kinda bullshit entry, so if you're not into that, please turn away!
Today started badly and become one of my more difficult days. I've not experienced it quite like this for 2 years, but I woke up and within minutes suffered a panic attack, and it hasn't really left me all day. It's still there now. I had to have the day off work too, which pissed me off cos I enjoy Mondays! Again, there's no huge reason for it, but I haven't been sleeping properly and I've had a few stresses. I just wish my body would handle stress and fatigue differently to this!
Anyways, onto the good stuff.
In 1995, I remember being a 12 year old boy sitting in his room taping the chart show from the radio. I'd always try to time it so that I didn't get bits of the DJ's voice overs on the recordings...(early pirating scheme me thinks). Anyways, on one particular tape, I remember two songs that really struck a chord in me.
One was 'In too deep' by Belinda Carlisle, which was in the charts that week, and the other was a song that I've never been able to find since. I remember the song really making me feel good. It was very uplifting to me, and I remember how I felt listening to it. All I could remember was a portion of the video and the fact that he mentioned outer space in the lyrics. That's it, so for all these years, I've not had enough information to track the song down. I've searched high and low, online, in chart records, back of compilation CD's, word of mouth. Nobody seemed to know what I was talking about. I was actually starting to think I'd dreamt the song up.............until today!!
With my free time (and to keep myself occupied today), I decided to post my memory of the song into certain forums online to see if I could jog anyone's memory. Person after person sent me link after link to songs from that time with a 'space theme', but none were right.
I'd just about given up when someone mentioned a title that seemed VERY familiar.........
'Walking on the milky way'.
I downloaded it straight away and almost cried when I heard it back. Good memories that I'd forgotten came flooding back. It made me feel the exact same way that it made me feel when I was a kid. It was fantastic!! It's not even about the song anymore. It's the relief of knowing that I wasn't wrong and that I've actually found it!
If you're interested, here's the song.



Just wanted to share the story...cos for some reason, it's important to me today. :-)
Hope you're all well!

Tuesday 22 July 2008



Hey everyone, how ya doin?


I just recorded a new song. Michael Buble makes this song look and sound so easy. God I love him!!


Sorry for the boring video. Just wanted somethin!



Thursday 17 July 2008


Dogs are barking on the estate..NON STOP!!
They're driving me insane!!!!!
This has never happened before. They sound like they're outside. Why don't the owners just take them in?! Ours dogs are barking back so we're getting stressed having to tell them to shut up all the time too.
I wonder if everything's ok over there? It seems odd that nobody's telling them to be quiet..not even the owners.
This on a day that we find out there's two masked gunmen in the area.....GREAT!!
UPDATE - 2:39am
Ahhhhh, it's stopped....hell yeah!!

Sunday 13 July 2008

Falling Apart


Oh my god, it's been an absolutely MENTAL week!!

A death, a funeral, new job, new friends, almost drowned on a canoe trip, lost my ring that I've had for YEARS and watched part of my family crumble away bit by bit which today resulted in my Aunt running away from Sheffield without telling any of us where she's gone.

I can't believe it. I know she'll be back someday, but she has some angry people after her (her husband and sons), all because she wants to live her own life, so she probably wont be back any time soon.

She's been staying here with me for the past 2 nights while Mum and Adrian were away in Ireland for the funeral of his sister. I'm so sad to see her go..:-(


New song....Ironic that it's called 'Falling Apart', but it's just coincidence. I'd planned this song before today's events. :-(


Falling Apart - MP3 download


or Link to video


Thanks guys.


Saturday 5 July 2008

10 minutes to go..........






Interview and Pics entry..:-)

I got this from the wonderful Lyn over at 'Brits Blog'.
1. What was the highlight of your day? Having a blast with friends in the early hours of this morning (see pics)!










2. How many meals do you usually eat a day? It varies. Not usually more than two.


3. What's your favorite movie? 'Forrest Gump', which is ironic 'cos I tend not to watch it 'cos it makes me too!




4. Have you ever thought George Clooney was hot? No way, although I do have a thing for older guys..:-)


5. Have you ever doubted your sexual orientation? Not so much doubted, but wondered, sure!

6. How long has it been since you have seen an ex? A few weeks. How awkward!

7. Name 5 of your best friends. Hannah, Natalie, Craig, Darryl and Sam



Me and Hannah


Craig, Sam and me


My cousin Libby, me and Darrly


Natalie and Me


8. Would you ever consider moving to Zimbabwe? Depends what the reason was. If it was to sweep streets, then hell no, but if it was to live the high life, then maybe!    


9. What would you do if someone dyed your pubic hairs bright pink permanently? Congratulate them for doing it without my knowledge. That deserves respect and a hand shake!


9. Would you ever dye your hair pink (the hair on your head)??? It'd have to snow on the hills of hell before I did that!

10. When was the last time you had Starbucks? Last week...(had same thing as Lyn - 'Strawberries and Cream mocca-bocca-froppa-chocca-cino')


11. Are you single? Nope

12. What is your opinion on global warming.  It's scary stuff and we need to work together to tackle it.


13. What about abortion? I'd rather someone have an abortion than bring a baby into the world that can't be looked after or will have poor quality of life.


14. Which would you rather star in: High School Musical or Striptease? High School Musical baby!!

15. What's the worst movie you've ever seen? I forget what it's called. It's a Tom Cruise has raining frogs in it and stuff. Oh my word, that movie offended me! Actually, I think it was called 'Magnolia' or something.


16. How many times do you sneeze a day? Dozens in summer!


17. Are you an "adult"? Physically, yes..:-)


18. Where do you live? Sheffield, 'U OF K'! (United of Kingdom? Hmm)

19. Have you ever thought Michael Jackson was going to kidnap you? Lol...funnily enough, the thought never occurred to me. Why, do you know something that I don't?


20. What color hair do you have?  Brown (but often looks black!)


21. Would you rather have a hybrid vehicle or a Hummer? Oh I feel so stupid here, but I know little about cars, so I don't know the difference in this question.


22. Who is prettier: Angelina Jolie or Kate Bosworth?  I like Kate. 

23. What do you think about the tabloids? 
Can't believe everything you read, and they can be vicious!!

24. Have you ever been to Texas? No...I'd like to go, but someone once told me that it's notoriously anti-gay, so I'm quite scared. Although, I'd like to go FOR that!


25. Would you want to go? Oops..just answered this up above!

26. Do you wear a watch? Yes, but it stopped working months ago, and yesterday, the number six fell off and now it freely shakes around inside the!

27. Have you ever had the sensation that you were falling while asleep?  Oh yes...I think we all have haven't we?


28. Would you rather work at Goodwill or McDonalds? I have no idea what 'Goodwill' is, but I detest McDonalds!

29. Whatdo you think about Britney Spears' 16 year old sis getting pregnant? I think the situation is magnified just because of who she is.

30. Do you recycle? I do when I'm able to, yes.


OK, I hope some of you will take up the challenge.... copy and paste and answer the questions.  (Leave me a link so I can check out your answers).