Monday, 30 June 2008

IM spamming, Bob the Builder and 'Perfect Day' update

Hey everyone.
I have a beef! lol!
What the hell is going on with aol and the IM spamming? I don't know if this is affecting everyone the same, but over the last few weeks, I've had nothing but IM after IM messages from unfamiliar screen names which basically says: 'You'll never believe who has a crush on you! Click here to find out who now!'
I report the user for IM spam and then block the screen name, but for everyone I report, 7 more seem to take it's place!
What's happening? Anyone else suffering too??
An update on the 'Perfect Day' video - I haven't abandoned it at all, but some people who said they were interested have STILL not sent me their vocal clips. I sent everyone their line and supplied the backing track and lyrics, and even though some explained that they wanted to do it but couldn't until, let's say....'Saturday', these people still haven't sent me anything. I don't want to fill the gaps myself, and the idea was for every line to be by a different person, so I'm not sure what to do. If anyone could promote this entry to let them know that I'm still waiting, it'd be very much appreciated. I can't wait to get it finished! (P.S. I am aware of the person who is waiting for me to get her vocal from her, but we seem to keep missing each other time! I promise I haven't forgotten..:-) )
Ok, that's all for now....any ideas on the IM spamming??
This picture was taken yesterday when I worked on a stall for my organisation at a fun fair event on a field in High Green. I don't know if the person inside this 'Bob the Bulider' costume was male or female, but they wouldn't leave me alone..haha!!

Our Town......


A new song I recorded today. I also did an mp3 version (which I prefer). Click the link to download it.


I absolutely love this song. It's beautiful. If you get time, search for 'James Taylor' singing it. He's amazing!


Thanks. Hope ya like it. Kinda nervous bout this one..:-(




Please click HERE to download mp3 version. Thanks guys. :-)



Thursday, 19 June 2008


Dear journally bloggy type thingy,
I've applied for a full time job at a youth organisation in my area. There's nothing wrong with my current part time job, but I'm starting to feel that I could be doing so much more, which is why I'm looking for full time now. Not only would it be terrific for my career, but I'd also have much more money, which I really need right now too.
Good news is, after handing in my application last week, I've been short listed for an interview on Tuesday, and an informant on the inside has told me that I've done really well as some people who already work in the building have been turned down. I'm so excited!
Only problem is, it's a two part interview. The first part is at 1pm, and I have to sit in front of a panel and do a 10 minute presentation on the challenges that young people face in their community. While this seems easy enough, I'm struggling to come up with anything productive. In the letter, they've said that they provide white board and power point for presentations, but I'm free to use 'Hand out cards' if I want, which means they're expecting a full presentation with hand outs and everything. What the hell am I going to do?? I've even asked the young people what challenges they feel they face daily, but they weren't much help.
I'm having a panic attack!!! LOL! Just kidding.
The second part of my interview is at 5:30pm and I'm going to be interviewed by a group of young people. I'm not sure what to expect from that so i'm not worrying as much....but the panel's gonna be a bitch!! lol! I keep going over it in my head over and over again, and it's a disaster everytime!
Any suggestions?? Please help me...S.O.S....Distress call...I'm on my hands and knees!

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Happy days!



Everyone loved my fancy dress costume last week in the club. Only problem was, it wasn't a fancy dress occassion!



Anthony, Sam, Me, Craig, Alex, Steven and my cousin's friend



Anthony, Sam, me and Alex



Me and Natalie enjoying the sun in town yesterday.



Me and Natalie advertising the extremely healthy 'Boost juice drinks' on the tram yesterday.



Me doing a 'Gay Fonzie'!



THIS WAS A DARE!!! LOL! - 'Baywatch Ste'



Me doing a spot of gardening for once in my whole!


Monday, 9 June 2008

Why I now have a permanent mark on my working record.

Yup, I really screwed up last week, and I can't get it out of my head. I can't believe I have a note on my permanent record!
What I did, my reasons for doing it, the way I went about it..etc....
Ok, so I'll start at the beginning, but before you read, you need to know this.
A 'Young person' at work is classed as someone aged 13-19 and if they work with us, we DO NOT socialise with them outside of work. At no times should we talk to them alone, and if we bump into them outside at any time, we're to say hi, but leave it at that.
A few weeks ago I was talking to a colleague of mine from work who also happens to be a really good friend. He was explaining to me that a young person we work with had become a volunteer for him on a lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) youth group. I thought that was great, as the young person (a 17 year old girl that I'll call 'Emma' here) is very bright and an all round fun person. I figured she'd be great for the group. So after that that, I no longer considered 'Emma' a young person. To me, she was a volunteer, which meant she was now a colleague. With that in mind, Emma and I swapped cell numbers as we get along so well and I'd kinda been someone for her to talk to during a rough time which I wont discuss.
Anyways, that was that........Emma text me a few days later with a simple 'Hey, how are you today? Do you know how I can turn this baby off?'. I replied 'Great thanks, you, and what's the problem?', and that is the basics of that conversation. It was about 5 text messages long.
A few days later, I happened to mention in a meeting at work that Emma had text me regarding an electronic baby programme she was on. ('Baby think it over' programme: The idea is, we give young people electronic babies to take home for a few days and they're programmed to act like real babies (to a degree). There is an off button but we only tell the young people where to find it if it's an emergency). I mentioned that Emma text me and said she was having trouble with her baby so she'd text me to find out where the 'Off' button was. I replied by saying 'Sorry, unless it's an emergency, I can't tell you'. That was it. One of my superiors was really alarmed that I'd text Emma, so I explained that she was now a volunteer and not a young person.
I was quickly alarmed myself to find out that Emma is only a volunteer for another organisation (which owns the LGB group) which meant that to us and our company, she's STILL classed a 'Young person'.
Obviously, I knew then that I'd screwed up, but promised to ignore any further text messages I receive from Emma, which I really intended to do.
I assured my superior that Emma was a smart and bright girl who I trusted and that she wasn't going to be a nuisance.
Later that same day, Emma text me and asked 'Ste, I'm so sorry to ask you this, but could you lend me any money because my Mum's money hasn't gone into her bank and we're all hungry and have no food'.
Straight away, I knew that I hadbeen put into a really uncomfortable situation. Emma's household consists of herself, her mother and 6 brothers and sisters, all under the age of 12.
I didn't know what to reply, so I ignored it for an hour or two. Eventually, I realised that I couldn't leave it, so I made some decisions.
1.I needed to know if this was a genuine issue, so I text her and said 'I'm so sorry, I don't have any money, but I will get some food together for you'. I figured, if all she'd wanted was the money, she'd text back and say that it didn't matter about the food. Her response was important to what my next step would be. As it happens, she replied:
'Oh my god, thank you so much Ste. You don't know what this means to us'.
That was enough to convince me that this was genuine.
2. I would NOT give her money as I have no idea if she'd spend it on food, but I WOULD arrange some food for them with help from my Mum, family and friends.
3. I would meet her in a mutual place as it's not appropriate for her to know where I live.
4. I'd take a witness with me.
So that's what I did. I took my Mum and met Emma in a mutual meeting place and handed her the bags of food. I realised that the bags were too heavy for her, so me and Mum walked her to herdoor and parted ways there. That was it. I knew I'd be in trouble if anyone at work found out, so I decided to keep quiet about it.
Well that plan didn't work out.
A few days later, I decided that I'd best come clean at work as the welfare of those children was now eating away at me. I should've reported the incident IMMEDIATELY as it could've been a social services issue. To be honest, I did consider telling my boss when it was all actually happening but then I thought of what would happen if social services got involved. I had visions of the family getting split up, the kids going into foster care, adoptions..that kinda thing. I also didn't believe that they'd be able to sort them out with food that same day, and none of them had eaten! It was late evening time to arrange anything.
That's why I hesitated to tell them for days, but I soon realised that it was my job to report it, so I did.
I told my boss and key worker. We sat down and had a 2 hour meeting. I could tell that they were very concerned that I'd done wrong, but they didn't come across as angry at all. They talked me through everything that happened in sequence and then they realised it was nothing inappropriate, but still, they have to do what they have to do. So now, after the investigation I'm left with a permanent mark on my record. It's nothing serious (cos if it were, I'd be suspended) but the fact is, it's there, and I hate knowing that!
The most worrying thing to me is, I hesitated because I didn't want to split a family up, but at the end of the day, that could've been a life risking decision. I didn't know the situation. I never stopped to think WHY they had no money and not one bit of food in the house. Had their mother spent all the money on alcohol or gambling?  Was the story genuine? Is she a fit mother? Is this a case of child negligence and abuse? I just didn't know, but the fact is, it could've been any number of reasons and all I should've done was report it. I now know that.
I guess I've learned the hard way.
But aside from all of the things that I don't know, I do know this one thing;
Mark or no mark, I slept like a baby that night and so did my conscience.

Shania, it didn't impress me much either!

Ok, I bet some of you were wondering why I hadn't mentioned this subject yet, but some of you may have known it was coming.
Yes, of course I'm talking about the recent breakup of my musical godess and inspiration, Shania Twain and her husband of 15 years Robert John 'Mutt' Lange.
                              Happier times: Shania and Mutt wed in '93
Two words........DIRTY DOG!! (or should that be 'dirty Mutt'?)
Although he's denied the accusation, it seems that he had an affair with Shania's best friend, Marie-Anne ThiĆ©baud, the woman who managed her house in Switzerland, which really didn't impress Shania much! So after a melt down, she fled with their 6 year old son to be with family in Canada.
      Shania with ex best friend and 'other woman', Marie Anne
I guess it's true, no matter who you are, these crappy things happen in life. I feel so sorry for her though. She and Mutt have always kept their private business behind closed doors. Aside from the press picking up on her not being a blood Ojibwa indian years ago, she's stayed relatively clean - until now! Even when she had a baby, it was very rare that anyone saw any photographs of them together, but I'm seeing and hearing about this everywhere which is like her worst nightmare.
Shania's new album was due out this year, which was again written by Shania and produced by Mutt, but I doubt that she'll release that album now...will she??
Finally, it seems that Shania's extreme reclusive days are over as she's posted this message to all her fans on her websites:
To my beloved fans:
As I am sure you have seen or heard; I am going through a rough time
personally in my life.   I wanted you all to know that I could not be
getting through this without you.  Your letters, emails and words of
encouragement give me strength.  Your overwhelming support reminds me to
smile, no matter how deep the pain and to always be grateful for all the
beautiful blessings in my life.
I have so much to say but I know the best way for me to speak is through my
music.  This is my therapy, my passion, and my love.  I look forward to
sharing it with all of you as I begin this new journey.
I need some time to heal this broken heart
but make no mistake; I will be
back and hopefully stronger than ever.
Thank you my friends, from the bottom of my heart.

WOO HOO!!! You can betcha bottom dollar she'll be back.
Sounds like Shania's gonna kick some ass. Watch out Mutt, she's gonna getcha good!!
Shania planning which part of Mutt's body to hit first with this rather large log.
You go girl!!

Sunday, 8 June 2008

The other end........


I completely forgot that I'd got this picture of the same rainbow I posted the other day. This was the other end..Yes, I found both! lol!




Anthony's birthday was 2 days ago. This is the cake I got him..haha! 



My recent times in pics!


Anthony, My cousin Libby and me - Dec 07

Craig and me - May '08


Me at the back with friends on a 'Lads night out'. Craig, Steven, Me, Anthony and Adam - May '08


Me and Amy - April '08


Me at Xmas. I was dared to wear the hat all the way home on the bus..haha!


I took this picture of Ant and his extended family last week at a party. What a great night!


My cousin Libby, me smilin like a cheshire cat, and my good friend Darryl - April '08


More pics on the way! woo hoo! lol!


Sunday, 1 June 2008

My first photo entry.


Donna (Nightmaremom) has inspired to me to wanna try taking some random pictures of things, so here's my first. This was actually taken a year ago at my old house. I looked out of the back window and the view blew me away.


It's not very clear as I've had to enlarge the pic as it was taken on a cell phone, but I loved how I found the end of the rainbow..hehe! Hope you like it.





Hey all,
I've been tagged by NJlittleBear, so here goes.
8 for 8
Tag !!  8 for 8 
Put your IPod or MP3 on shuffle and list the first 8 songs that play.... tag 8 other people to do the same.  If you don't have an IPod or MP3 then make stuff up.  You might think about moving into the 21st century by getting an IPod or MP3 player of some sort.
1. Thank you baby (for makin' some day come so soon) - Shania Twain
2. I'm gonna getcha good - The string quartet tribute to Shania Twain
3. Just like a pill - Pink
4. My paper heart - The All American Rejects
5. Up! - Shania Twain
6. One Wild Night - Bon Jovi
7. Complicated - Avril Lavigne
8. Voice inside my head - The Dixie Chicks
Tag You're it ....
I swear, I have waaay more people on my ipod than Shania Twain. It's just coincidence that she appears quite a bit in the!
I tag....