Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Eileen Regina Lange at 42


Happy 42nd Birthday to Eileen Regina Lange!!

Thanks to Leigh for reminding me. I hadn't even realised.

You all know that I'm a Shania nut!! Her new album is out next year and I can't wait, but even sooner, she will have a new song out in November as she's recording a duet with country legend 'Anne Murray'. I can't wait for that!!


Wow....42....that means she was 32 when I became a fan. God, time flies!


According to Recording Industry Association of America:
Come On Over - 20 Million Sold U.S.

***Best-Selling Country Album(tied)
***Best-Selling Female Country Album***
***Best-Selling Single-Disc Country Album
Best-Selling Album of All-Time by a Solo Female Artist***
***#7 Best-Selling Album of All-Time***
***36 Million Sold Worldwide***
Best-Selling Country Album Worldwide***






Happy Birthday!



Anonymous said...

Dear Stevie.

I can't wait to hear her new material either.  She is one of my favourite singers!  Shania is such a talented singer / songwriter.  I would love to see her live in concert too someday.

Happy birthday Shania!  Can't believe she's 42, she looks so much younger.

All the best,
Leigh :o)

Anonymous said...

Awesome artists. I love her voice and she is singing one of my favorite songs she performs. (((((((((hugs)))))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan when she first started.....all her music is just great. I think you are a biggger fan than I though!! LOL Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

she sure looks damn good for 42 huh?
So how's it hanging?
long time no visit me... ;-(
love ya

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Shania !!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I completely hate her because she's older than me and way more fabulous looking.  ;-P


Anonymous said...

Crikey I didn't realise she was in her 40's. She looks a lot younger lv Gazxxx

Anonymous said...

I remember when she first started, practically.  It was obvious she was unique, special.  Many happy returns t'ween twix and twain lol!  xoxo CATHY