Wednesday, 9 May 2007

8th May, 2007

Entry 3
Hey everyone!
Just thought I'd let you all know how our 'first date' went. It was BRILLIANT!!
We met up at Ant's parents place (where he's living for a while) and we played on the computer for a while, which was weird cos I haven't played the old 'Mega Drive' system for years! That was fun! Then I played on a hand held device known as a 'Bop it'!  Do you know what they are?  If not, they're highly addictive and I got the highest score that the machine had ever got. It was only 137 points, but it was still the highest it had ever! (I'm noting my score in here as Ant's brother's now in direct competition to beat me, so this is just to remind myself...137!..Read it and weep Craigy boy!!)!
Anyways, I did something which was strange for me today. I held Anthony's hand in public as we walked down the street in town, and I even kissed him in front of everyone. Ok, this might be a common thing world wide now, but we've never done it before, and that used to really upset him and I didn't realise how much! Basically, I've never been a big fan of public displays of affection anyway, even when I had a girlfriend as a teen, but showing it in a gay relationship was terrifying to me. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't ashamed of Anthony and I'm not ashamed of being gay, cos if someone asked me in the street, I'd just tell the truth and say 'Yes I'm gay, and?', but I was always a believer of not 'rubbing it in people's faces'. I guess I think that if the wrong crowd sees us and doesn't like it, I'd rather not have to fight my way out of something, or see Anthony get into a scrap with these people either, so it just seemed easier to NOT do it, but I have to admit, I felt a great sense of freedom today as I kissed him as we waited on a crowded platform for a tram to the cinema. I didn't even look round to see if anyone was watching. It just wasn't an issue. Holding his hand as we walked down the street was amazing too. It's something so simple, but it was SO worth it just to see the smile beaming from Anthony's face. It was incredible to see how this one simple act made him so happy. I should have done it a long time ago!
We went to see 'Spider man 3'. I'm not really a fan of those movies, but I enjoyed this one. The huge helpings of candy and Popcorn helped a lot too. £3.10 for a small bag of popcorn! If I'd seen the price before I picked em up, I wouldn't have bothered, but I only found out how much it was at the till, and I felt stupid changing my! Extortionate I tells ya!!
We went for food afterwards. It wasn't anything fancy, just a burger and chips, but I was hungry enough to eat! I wont tell you how the night ended. That's a secret...;-)
All in all, it was a GREAT day, and hopefully a glimpse of how me and Ant are going to be from now on, especially with both of us working (fingers crossed that I get a job). Splitting up made me realise how much I truly love him, and I intend to let him see that.
Hope you're all ok today, and thanks for the comments. I got so many links to get!
Lv Ste


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. My kids have a Bop It, so I knew right away exactly what it was!! Keep this in mind, it doesn't maater if it is male or female, the little things mean the world. Little cards, notes, hand holding, a quick kiss, a how was your day. Little things. You're doing fab!!! Tawnya

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your date with Ant went so well.  I hope things work out the way you want them to and I wish you good luck getting the job.  

Anonymous said...

I'm smiling now thinking of the two of you walking down the street holding hands. Sometimes the simple things in life mean the most. Any relationship is a give and take. We don't always do things the way we want in essence of the one we love. You and Ant are meant to be together. I think it will help with you working too, he won't feel like the lone supporter of the household. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

wuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ste I am so glad it went well.  I've been thinking about you all day wondering.  Do what makes you happy and if public affection is it... go for it.  F' anyone who doesn't like it.  Just remember you'll have to hold my hand too!  ROFL!!!!!!   Ok.. Ant can hold the other... oh that will be brilliant on a public street.  
love ya babes

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you..sounds like you have put the romance back in the relationship...good for you..
love ya

Anonymous said...

tag! you're it! go to my last entry...;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your date with Ant went well!  If you've found love in this life, treasure it! Guard it with all you've got. Because if you lose it, you may not find anything to equal it ever again.  Believe me.
Love to you,

Anonymous said...

So happy you had a fantastic time together!  Bop it! I have that game and we've had loads of laughs playing it!  We saw Soiderman 3 last Monday - I thought it was brillient - best one for me so far!

Take care,

Millie :)

Anonymous said...

Have just this minute found you! Had no idea you had started another journal.... how lovely to read about you, glad it's going good .. Gem xx

Anonymous said...

Your evening sounded great Steve ,you both sound as though you dont want to be apart ,so its worth working on ,go for it Jan xx

Anonymous said...

brilliant!!! im so glad it went well.good luck with the job jo x

Anonymous said...

Oh Ste!!! What A GREAT Day! :o) You have every right to show your love to Ant! :o) How romantic too! :o) You are a wonderful boy friend to have! ;o)
Hugs to you! xxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Stevie.

Glad to read the date went well. Hopefully, there will be plenty more! You shouldn't be afraid of showing affections to Anthony in public, although it must seem daunting. But who cares what people think? You're in LOVE!

Really want to see "Spiderman 3". It's supposed to be really good, the best yet!

Have a great evening.
Leigh :-)"

Anonymous said...

wooooohooooooo, I knew it would go great. I'm so happy for you my dear friend. And as for that Bop It thingy, I never seen anything like it before. ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Glad everything went well on the date.  It's amazing how the little things can make you happy isn't it??  Hope things go just as well on the 2nd date ;-)


Anonymous said...

Awwww your 'first date' sounds soooo cute!

However... "I wont tell you how the night ended. That's a secret...;-)" *GASP* lol and you're supposed to be a good role model. Tsk tsk, mister. Do we need to have a special little talk? LOL kidding...

Glad to hear you're doing well, catch up with you soon (as it has been AGES since we've properly talked, yes?) Have a good night.


Anonymous said...

Hi Stevie,
Donna told me you had started this new journal. Good luck and nice to hear you had such a great date.


Anonymous said...

Aww that sounds lovely hun,well done the both of you for sticking with such an important relationship,all the best love zoe xxxx

Anonymous said...

So glad you date went so well Ste.  How romantic!  My hubby isn't a big fan of public affection either.  Kinda bothers me but I don't push it.
P.S.  Not spelling out my name in comments in public journals.  Had to change s/n and start new journal because of harassment from SIL.

Anonymous said...

I am really happy for both of you... a great new beginning!

be well,

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet. That happened to me years ago under an awning on a rainy day...... Some one knocked on the window of the bakers and put their thumbs up and sed young love. Thy didnt even care we were gay!
Gaz xx